Carpet Stain Tips – Fruit Juice

Blot up as much of the spill as is possible. A wet vacuum is useful if a large quantity of liquid was spilled. If spot has dried, saturate the tufts in the affected area with tap water (do not overwet). Allow to remain for about 1 minute

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Carpet Stain Tips – Excrement (Treatment of Urine, Vomit, Excrement Odors)

Remove as much of the excess material as possible by using a spoon or dull knife. Blot up as much of the stain as possible. Neutralize by spraying the affected area with the ammonia solution (1 tablespoon of clear household ammonia and 1/2 cup of water). Care

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Carpet Stain Tips – Egg

Remove as much of the excess liquid or dried stain as possible by using a spoon or dull knife. Then blot up as much of the stain as possible using a blotting motion. Neutralize by spraying the affected area with an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon of clear

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Carpet Stain Tips – Dirt

Allow mud to dry completely. Shatter the dried mud with the handle of a knife and vacuum. Remove as much of the mud as possible by blotting with a white paper towel or scraping with a dull knife. Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the

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Carpet Stain Tips – Crayon

Remove as much of the crayon as possible by blotting with a white paper towel or scraping with a dull knife. Apply isopropyl rubbing alcohol to a clean white cloth, white paper towel or cotton ball. If the spot extends deep into the pile use a blotting

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Carpet Stain Tips – Cough Syrup

Blot with white paper towel to remove as much of the stain as possible then neutralize with an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon clear household ammonia to 1/2 cup of water). Saturate spot with the ammonia solution using spray bottle. Do not wet backing. Blot with a white

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Carpet Stain Tips – Cola

Act Quickly! Delaying may cause the spill to become a permanent stain. Blot liquids with a dry, white absorbent cloth or white paper towels. Gently scrape up semi-solids with a rounded spoon. Break up solids and vacuum. Pretest any spot removal solution (for color transfer to the

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Carpet Stain Tips – Coffee

Act Quickly! Delaying may cause the spill to become a permanent stain. Blot liquids with a dry, white absorbent cloth or white paper towels. Gently scrape up semi-solids with a rounded spoon. Break up solids and vacuum. Pretest any spot removal solution (for color transfer to the

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Carpet Stain Tips – Chocolate

Act Quickly! Delaying may cause the spill to become a permanent stain. Blot liquids with a dry, white absorbent cloth or white paper towels. Gently scrape up semi-solids with a rounded spoon. Break up solids and vacuum. Pretest any spot removal solution (for color transfer to the

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Carpet Stain Tips – Children’s Drink Mix

Act Quickly! Delaying may cause the spill to become a permanent stain. Blot liquids with a dry, white absorbent cloth or white paper towels. Gently scrape up semi-solids with a rounded spoon. Break up solids and vacuum. Pretest any spot removal solution (for color transfer to the

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